The Bray to Greystones cliff walk along the Irish coast is currently closed due to concerns over safety and erosion, disappointing many hikers and tourists. Is the Bray to Greystones Walk Still Closed in Ireland?

The popular 7-kilometre trail, which takes about 2 hours to complete, has been closed since 2021 after a series of rockslides and cliff collapses occurred along the route.

Local authorities have been working to address the situation, but the closure has had a significant impact on local tourism and businesses in the area.

Introduction to the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk

The Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk is a popular hiking trail along the Irish coast that has been a beloved attraction for decades. The trail was initially built in the 1840s to facilitate work on the nearby rail line, with Lord Meath donating the land to the Railway Company.

Over the years, the trail has become a popular destination for both locals and tourists, offering stunning views of the East Coast and a rich history.

History and Background of the Cliff Walk

The Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk was established in the 1840s to support the construction of the nearby rail line. Lord Meath, a prominent landowner in the area, generously donated the land to the Railway Company, allowing for the creation of this scenic walking route.

The trail has since become a cherished part of the local landscape, drawing visitors from around the world to experience the natural beauty of the Irish coastline.

Scenic Highlights and Attractions Along the Route

The Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk is approximately 7 kilometres long and takes around 2 hours to complete, making it a popular day trip for visitors to the area. Along the route, walkers can enjoy a variety of scenic highlights, including the well-camouflaged common lizard, a variety of bird species, and the chance to spot dolphins, black harbour porpoises, and basking sharks in the waters below.

The stunning views of the East Coast and the rich history of the trail have made it a must-visit destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Reason for the Closure: Safety Concerns and Erosion

The Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk was closed in 2021 due to safety concerns and erosion along the trail. In February 2021, two significant collapses occurred on the Greystones side of the walk, with the collapses extending all the way down to the beach, around 65 feet below.

This raised concerns that further collapses could continue to occur along the trail, posing a significant risk to walkers.

Rockslides and Cliff Collapses Along the Trail

The local authorities have been closely monitoring the cliff walk bray and greystones coastal path, and have reported that the cliff path ireland has been experiencing increased rockslides and cliff collapses in recent years.

These incidents have highlighted the growing concerns over the safety of the irish seaside walks and the need for immediate action to address the issues.

Increased Risk Due to Climate Change and Coastal Erosion

Additionally, the effects of climate change and increased coastal erosion have exacerbated the issue, with the local authorities warning that the cliff will continue to erode and collapse as it has done for the last 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age.

This has led to a heightened sense of urgency in finding a sustainable solution to reopen the wicklow walking trails and seaside walking routes for the cliff top hiking and irish hiking trails enthusiasts.

The closure of the coastal hiking ireland has been a disappointment for many, as the bray greystones cliff walk has long been a popular destination for both locals and visitors to the area.

However, the safety of the public remains the top priority, and the local authorities are working diligently to address the is the bray to greystones walk safe? concerns and is the bray to greystones walk still closed issue.

Cliff path ireland

The closure of the what is the alternative to the bray cliff walk? has also raised concerns about the impact on the local economy, as the trail has been a significant draw for is greystones before bray? visitors to the region.

The local authorities are exploring various options to address the situation, including potential rerouting or diversion of the trail, as well as implementing coastal protection and erosion control strategies to mitigate the risks and ensure the long-term sustainability of the popular walking route.

Is the Bray to Greystones Walk Still Closed in Ireland?

As of 2023, the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk remains closed due to the ongoing safety concerns and erosion issues along the trail.

Local authorities have been working to address the situation, with the Wicklow County Council’s legal department in talks with the solicitors of the relevant landowners to try and find a solution.

Current Status and Timeline for Reopening

Additionally, a rock slide that occurred in October 2022 on the Bray side of the cliff walk bray further complicated the situation, leading to the installation of gates to prevent public access. Despite the efforts of local authorities, a timeline for the reopening of the greystones coastal path remains uncertain, as the complex legal and engineering challenges continue to be addressed.

Efforts by Local Authorities to Address the Situation

The local authorities have been working tirelessly to find a solution to the cliff path ireland closure. They are exploring various options, including rerouting the trail and implementing coastal protection and erosion control strategies, to ensure the long-term sustainability of the irish seaside walks.

However, these solutions come with their own set of challenges, including the need to negotiate with landowners and secure the necessary funding and resources.

Alternative Walking Routes and Activities

While the beloved Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk remains closed, there are several alternative walking routes and outdoor activities available in the area for visitors to explore and enjoy. The local authorities have recommended exploring nearby trails and coastal paths, which offer breathtaking views and a chance to experience the natural beauty of the Irish coastline.

Nearby Trails and Coastal Paths to Explore

One popular option is the Wicklow Way, a long-distance hiking trail that stretches through the Wicklow Mountains and offers stunning vistas of the Irish Sea. Another recommended route is the Greystones Harbour to Bray Head Walk, a scenic coastal path that allows walkers to take in the rugged cliffs and picturesque seaside towns along the way.

Other Outdoor Activities in the Area

For those seeking alternative outdoor activities, the Bray and Greystones area offers a variety of options, including cycling, swimming, and birdwatching. The nearby Bray Seafront Promenade is a popular spot for cycling, while the sheltered coves and beaches provide excellent opportunities for swimming and water sports. The region is also home to a diverse array of birdlife, making it a prime destination for avid birdwatchers.

coastal hiking ireland

By exploring these alternative walking routes and engaging in other outdoor pursuits, visitors to the Bray and Greystones region can still enjoy the natural beauty of the area and create memorable experiences, even while the iconic Cliff Walk remains closed.

Impact on Local Tourism and Businesses

The closure of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk has had a significant impact on local tourism and businesses in the area. The trail was previously voted Ireland’s No. 1 attraction in 2020, reflecting its importance as a major draw for visitors to the region.

Local businesses, such as cafes, shops, and accommodation providers, have expressed concerns about the decline in visitor numbers and the subsequent impact on their livelihoods. Residents of the area have also voiced their disappointment at the closure of the beloved walking trail, which has been a popular recreational destination for many years.

Importance of the Cliff Walk as a Tourist Attraction

The Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk was a beloved destination for both local residents and tourists visiting the Irish seaside. Its stunning coastal views, diverse wildlife, and historical significance made it a must-visit attraction for those exploring the Wicklow walking trails and seaside walking routes along the Irish coast.

The closure of this iconic cliff top hiking trail has undoubtedly had a detrimental effect on the local tourism industry and the businesses that rely on the influx of visitors to the area.

Concerns from Local Businesses and Residents

The closure of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk has left local businesses and residents deeply concerned about the impact on the local economy. Cafes, shops, and accommodation providers have reported a significant decline in customer numbers and revenue since the trail was closed due to safety concerns and coastal erosion.

Residents have also expressed their disappointment, as the Cliff Walk has long been a beloved part of the community and a popular recreational destination for coastal hiking and Irish hiking trails.

Public Safety Measures and Warnings

In response to the ongoing safety concerns and closure of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk, local authorities have implemented several measures to protect the public. The council has installed robust fencing and barriers along the closed sections of the cliff path ireland to prevent walkers from accessing these hazardous areas.

Fencing and Barriers Installed Along the Closed Sections

The local authorities have worked diligently to erect sturdy fencing and barriers at the entrances to the closed portions of the irish seaside walks. These physical deterrents are designed to keep the public away from the areas that have been deemed unsafe due to the risk of rockslides and cliff collapses.

Consequences of Ignoring Warnings and Trespassing

Despite the clear signage and safety measures in place, the council has reported that some wicklow walking trails have continued to ignore the warnings and trespass onto the closed sections of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk.

The local authorities have stressed the importance of adhering to the safety guidelines, as the consequences of falling from the 100-foot cliffs could be catastrophic.

coastal hiking ireland

Future Plans and Potential Solutions

As the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk remains closed, local authorities are exploring various future plans and potential solutions to address the ongoing safety and erosion issues. One proposed option is to reroute or divert the trail, potentially by using the R761/Bray to Greystones Road as an alternative route.

Proposed Rerouting or Diversion Options

Utilising the R761/Bray to Greystones Road could provide a safe and scenic alternative for hikers, allowing them to experience the stunning coastal views without the risks associated with the closed cliff walk. Local authorities are currently in discussions with relevant landowners to explore the feasibility of this option, which would require careful planning and infrastructure improvements to ensure a seamless walking experience.

Coastal Protection and Erosion Control Strategies

Additionally, the council is considering implementing coastal protection and erosion control strategies, such as building sea defences or reinforcing the cliffs, to help mitigate the risks and ensure the long-term sustainability of the trail.

These solutions, however, come with their own set of challenges, including the need to negotiate with landowners and secure the necessary funding and resources.

The council is working diligently to explore these options and find the best way to preserve the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk for both locals and visitors to enjoy.


In conclusion, the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk in Ireland remains closed due to ongoing safety concerns and erosion issues along the trail. Local authorities have been working diligently to address the situation, but the complex legal and engineering challenges have made it difficult to reopen this popular walking route.

While alternative trails and outdoor activities are available in the area, the closure of the Cliff Walk has had a significant impact on local tourism and businesses.

As the local authorities continue to explore potential solutions, including rerouting and coastal protection strategies, the future of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk remains uncertain. Public safety, however, remains the top priority, and the authorities are committed to finding a sustainable solution that will allow this iconic Irish seaside walk to reopen safely.

Until then, visitors to the Wicklow walking trails and coastal hiking ireland areas are encouraged to explore the alternative seaside walking routes and cliff top hiking options available in the region.


Is the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk still closed in Ireland?

Yes, the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk along the Irish coast remains closed as of 2023 due to concerns over safety and erosion issues along the trail.

What is the reason for the closure of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk?

The Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk was closed in 2021 after a series of rockslides and cliff collapses occurred along the route, raising safety concerns for walkers. Additionally, the effects of climate change and increased coastal erosion have exacerbated the issue, with the local authorities warning that the cliff will continue to erode and collapse.

What is the current status of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk and the efforts to reopen it?

As of 2023, the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk remains closed, and the local authorities are working to address the ongoing safety concerns and erosion issues along the trail. However, the complex legal and engineering challenges have made it difficult to reopen the popular walking route, and a timeline for its reopening remains uncertain.

Are there any alternative walking routes or outdoor activities available in the area while the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk is closed?

Yes, the local authorities have recommended exploring nearby trails and coastal paths, such as the Wicklow Way and the Greystones Harbour to Bray Head Walk, which offer scenic views and a chance to experience the natural beauty of the Irish coastline. Additionally, the area is home to a variety of other outdoor activities, including cycling, swimming, and birdwatching.

How has the closure of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk impacted local tourism and businesses in the area?

The closure of the Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk has had a significant impact on local tourism and businesses in the area. The trail was previously voted Ireland’s No. 1 attraction in 2020, and local businesses, such as cafes, shops, and accommodation providers, have expressed concerns about the decline in visitor numbers and the subsequent impact on their livelihoods.

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